Family Circus Cartoon vs. A.I. Cartoon

ChatGPT vs. Family Circus

John Mayo-Smith
2 min readJan 4, 2023

The truth is, if you want to know where cartoons come from, for the most part they come from other cartoons. — Bob Mankoff

If ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 derive results based on a large sample set of cartoons, illustrations, and captions, then could they come close to replicating a Family Circus cartoon? Could A.I. match Bill Kean’s wit? I ran an experiment to find out.


“Test Ability of ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 to create a Family Circus style cartoon from the 1960's.”


Create a cartoon that shares characteristics with Bill Kean’s original.


  1. Prompt DALL-E 2 to create an image of father and children greeting mother at the front door in the style of “Family Circus.”
  2. Prompt ChatGPT to create a caption for the image.
  3. Compare the DALL-E 2/ChatGPT cartoon with the Bill Kean original.


  1. DALL-E 2 image was glitchy and the style did not resemble a Family Circus illustration. Illustration lacked compositional context, tone, facial expressions, symbols, and labels.
  2. ChatGPT caption shared some of the novelty, and context as the Family Circus caption.


DALL-E 2 and ChatGPT were unable to match the original Family Circus cartoon. However, ChatGPT did create a caption that approached the original caption.

Regarding humor, it was a tie — alcohol-abuse is not particularly funny, even when it gets a laugh.

Here are the ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 prompts that were used:

ChatGPT Prompts and Responses

DALL-E 2 Prompt: “Black and white 1950’s Family circus style comic illustration of father and children entering their house from the outside and greeting their mom standing inside near the front door”

DALL-E 2 had Difficulty Creating Illustration that Resembled Family Circus Original



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